Women's League Reminder

Remidner that the signup form for ladies league will be open until tomorrow so dont forget to get yourself signed up. If you would like to sub, please put SUB as your partners name and we will pull those from the list to be added to the sub list.

After the results are compiled the league organizers will schedule a meeting of some sort to go over league rules and the schedule more in depth.

Sign Up Here

Men's League Signup

I know it doesn’t seem like it but golf season is here. With that means Monday Night Men’s League. Garrett would like to start getting the roster put together with the intent to start as normal with the first week being May 11th.

Below is a link to a form to fill out to get signed up please fill this out and pass it along to people you know to make sure they get signed up even if you have played in the past. Its only a couple questions mostly contact information but this will help get a headcount and make sure contact info is accurate and up to date.

Sign up deadline is 5/6/2020 at that point any signups will be marked as subs if they still wish to participate.

Sign Up Form

Leagues Complete

Both the Monday mens league and the Tuesday ladies leagues have completed for the year, we would like to thank all participants for making these leagues successful.

Both of these leagues have seen an increase in participation from members and non-members. if you’d like to play next year keep your eyes out for the kick off meetings in the spring.

Big thank you to Misty Knutson for all her work to support course during this time of year with the club tournaments, sole survivor and keeping the ladies league running smoothly.

Course Conditions - Wet

It appears Mother Nature may give us a couple days of good playing weather later this week maybe even into the weekend somewhat.

Keep in mind the course was closed for most of the day last week on Friday due to some pretty wet conditions including holes that were flooded out. So please if using a cart be aware of course conditions and don’t drive through standing water, we appreciate your efforts to keep the course in good condition during this wet season.

Clubhouse Maintenance

As we draw closer to the end of the year we are starting to work on preparations to close the season as well as things to improve upon for next year. One such thing the board wants to reach out and let everyone know about is that we are looking for a privacy fence for the clubhouse. We are trying to clean up the presentation of the building since we lost some of the trees and other bushes this year that were in front and on the side of the building. If you or someone you know is looking to get rid of a privacy fence please let one of the board members know or you can email us at theboardofjesupgolf@gmail.com.

Your help is appreciated as we strive to make the course and clubhouse as great as possible this will help make the clubhouse presentable as a venue for future events.