Steak night will take place Thursday June 28th. This is a grill your own event.

The meal will include a hand cut ribeye between 12 and 14 ounces, an extra large baked potato, tossed salad, and garlic bread that you can throw on the grill as well. $19.95 plus tax

If steak is not your thing, we will also have some extra large, marinated chicken breasts available for $12.95 plus tax

Due to the cost of ribeyes, we are requiring you to stop out to the 9 and sign up for this event so we know how many we need to order. The final day to sign up will be Monday, June 25 as we have to put the order in with our vendor the morning of the 26th.

Invite your family and friends! We hope to see you there!

Friendly Reminder

As the weather changes and we start to get into the drier parts of the year please remember to fix your divots and keep carts away from the greens. This helps ensure that the grass on and around the greens stays healthy as well as keeps the course in the great shape.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you all out there.


Friday Couples League

Good afternoon, we will be starting our Friday couples league June 1st. This is a weekly league so you don’t have to play every week to get in on any given week please turn in your scorecard with contact information and your $5 entry fee. We will flight it and post the results prior to the next week as best we can. If you have any questions please email the board of directors at

Course Beautification

Attention to all with a green thumb!

The Jesup Golf Grounds Committee is currently looking for families or groups of people to adopt the planter boxes located at the tee boxes on holes 1 and 3 as well as the wall on 7 along the cart path and tee box. You may use your discretion on what you would like to plant. You may use annuals or perennials, we just ask that you be respectful of the other members as well as the course. Your responsibilities would be plantings and then taking care of it throughout the season. You may use your choice of mulch as well or none at all. Please email the board back as soon as possible to let us know who and what tee box you want to make look great.

Thank you for your continued support and help,

Jesup Board of Directors and Grounds Committee Chairs

Todd Rohlfsen

Craig Frush

Golf Leagues

While the weather doesn’t currently scream golf season it’s here and the board is just as excited to get out and play as everyone else. There will be 3 golf leagues this year; all leagues are open to members and non-members alike. All subs are welcome so if you have ball during the summer or just a busy schedule but still want an opportunity to play if it comes up get yourself on the sub lists.

Men’s Monday league will be starting in May like usual tentative start date is May 7th; however this is subject to change after our meeting prior to league starting. This year’s league meeting is scheduled for next week Wednesday (4/18/2018) at 6:30 PM, you do not have to be present to play league but you do need to notify Garrett Weber prior to the meeting of your intentions to play if you’re going to be a full time player you can do this by sending an email with your contact information to along with what league you are interested in playing.

Women’s Tuesday league will start depending on what the league decides; this is more of a social best shot league for those who have not played in the past, it’s also newer, this will be year 3, and its taking Tuesdays by fire. 2 gal best shot format with a “pick up” rule where your team can concede the hole if things take a turn for the worse. Women’s league meeting will be scheduled for the day before the men’s meeting but on Tuesday (4/17/2018) at 6:30 PM. Same men’s you do not have to be present to play league but you do need to notify Garrett Weber prior to the meeting of your intentions to play if you’re going to be a full time player you can do this by sending an email with your contact information to along with what league you are interested in playing.

New this year is going to be our Friday night mixed couples league. This is a social league with a weekly pot. Open to anyone all you have to do is turn in your score card with your contact information and your $5 entry fee and we will flight out the results from week to week so you don’t have to play every week but also if you have some friends in the area bring them along and enjoy a meal and some golf. It was asked if you have to play with your spouse, if they’re horrible at golf and you don’t want them dragging you down bring someone else, just make sure it’s a mixed team.

Course Cleanup

We are tentatively (weather permitting) doing our Spring Course Cleanup on this coming Saturday, March 17th. We would love your help to get things cleaned up, Scott was out trimming trees during the winter and is working to get those cleaned up a little this week but will need some help getting a good thorough cleanup done.


Please let your friends know, the more help we have the less work and quicker it goes.

2018 Invoices

Membership invoices were sent out this weekend. We are aware we may have some bad addresses as well as some newer members who may not be built into our accounting software correctly. If you do not recieve your invoice and feel you should have please send an email to with your name and correct address information so we can get an invoice mailed out as soon as possible. 

Website Updates

We continue to try to get updates to the public as efficiently as possible, with that we have made some changes to the website. There is now a Board of Directors section that has the current board as well as the meeting minutes from past years and the members who were on those boards. We will try to continue to use this blog spot to post updates with changes

Our tournament schedule has been set, as have the high school golf meets so we will be updating the events page to have all of those as well in the very near future.