Course Updates 3/10/2025
/Scott has been at the course all morning monitoring the conditions as the temperatures rise, unfortunately the greens are still to wet for play with the snow and frost melt. The course closed sign will remain up until Scott has deemed the greens are in good enough shape for play. The Nine and Dine staff is also preparing for opening for regular business as well in the coming weeks, so be on the lookout for that post. Once the Nine and Dine is open and the course is ready, the course will be available for public play.
We have rescheduled course cleanup for this Saturday 3/15/2025, with a 10:00 AM start time. This will be cleaning up sticks and and leaves as well as trimming up some overgrowth behind some greens and some smaller dead trees. We hope to see all those eager golfers out there as this work will help ensure the course is ready for play.
Lastly the Spring Fling is scheduled for Saturday 3/22/2025 starting at 4:00 PM. Come out pay your dues or just mingle with the members.