Updates From The Board

At our board meeting last night we were able to confirm a few items to note on your calendar and a coupe additional notes. The course is still currently only open to members.

  • February 26th - Invoices will start to be sent

  • March 1st - Rental Carts are due to arrive

  • March 1st - Course Open for the season

  • March 2nd - *Course Cleanup*

  • March 16th - Spring Fling

The course is already in far better shape then it has been in the past with the mild winter we had so there will not be an official course cleanup as not a lot of work is needed. We will still be doing a course cleanup day for small items including some needed tree trimming so if you are available and want to please feel free to stop out on March 2nd and spend some quality time with the Rohlfsen family.

Another important item to note that will be noted on the invoices as well, we had to make a tough decision as a board and will no longer be allowing the use of cart sheds to people who are not members of the course. In the past we have allowed people to pay for a shed rental when not joining as members but with a waiting list of people for the last couple seasons and the inability to put up more sheds we don’t feel that its appropriate to turn down members in favor of someone storing a cart.

That's a wrap on 2023

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out for the annual meeting. We love hearing the feedback from the membership and the questions that were asked show the investment all of membership has in making sure the course remains successful.

If you were not able to attend the meeting the minutes from the meeting will be posted to the website after they have been approved by the board. Big takeaways without going into details, financially the course had another great year. As touched on in the October newsletter we are in a great position financially for the start of 2024. Green fee rate increase was approved in the September meeting for the 2024 and that has been up updated on the website and in the point of sale software for Nine & Dine.

We would like to give a big thank you to Levi Vogel for his dedication to not only the course but to the board of directors and also introduce Brock Flaharty to the board.

We also want to give a big thank you to Paulette Wilson for all that she has done for the course. Her amazing personality and training of the staff have changed some once in awhile visitors in to regulars for golf and the Nine & Dine. We wish you the best and can’t wait to see you as just a customer!

The course is officially closed for the season with the closing of the nine & dine, Scott has completed his winterizing of the course. Happy holidays, we look forward to seeing you all in the spring.